National Post Op-ed: Time to let Macedonia play with the big boys

November 28, 2011 – Toronto, Canada & Washington, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is pleased to announce that one of Canada’s largest newspapers, the National Post, published today in its online edition an op-ed by UMD President Metodija A. Koloski and UMD Voice Editor Mark Branov titled Time to let Macedonia play with the big boys.  The printed edition will come out in the National Post tomorrow on November 29, 2011. 

Please click HERE to read the op-ed by Koloski and Branov.  Please spread the op-ed on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media.  Comments at the bottom of the op-ed are encouraged.  Let us know what you think.


Donate to support UMD’s important work for Macedonia and the Macedonian cause by clicking HERE.  (Canadians should click and search “United Macedonian Diaspora” to donate) – All donations from Canadian and U.S. donors are tax-deductible. 

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